Oak-Tree Group Sports

Oak-Tree Quad Athletics Competition

At the start of last week, pupils from Year 3 to 6 from all four schools in the Oak-Tree Group took part in a fun-filled yet competitive Quad Athletics Competition. The competition took place at Ashton Playing Fields, which provided the perfect facilities for the afternoon. Activities included both track…

Oak-Tree Girls Football Tournament

Just before the end of term, Junior girls from across the Oak-Tree Group got together for a football tournament at Shooters in North Weald. They were lucky to have some amazing spring sunshine and a great turn out from supportive parents, who did an excellent job cheering everyone on. It…

Oak-Tree Ski Trip 2023 – A Week to Remember

Our pupils are back from what has been an INCREDIBLE week skiing in Italy. Every day the pupils from all four schools in the Oak-Tree Group woke up with renewed excitement, ready to hit the slopes. There were pupils at all skill levels, from those that have never been skiing…

Oak-Tree Tag Rugby Tournament

On Tuesday 7 February, all 4 Oak-Tree schools took part in the annual tag-rugby tournament at Eton Manor RFC. It was a great setting for the pupils to take part and they had a great time ‘TRYING’ to score points for their school! There were some very close matches in…

Oak-Tree Indoor Athletics Tournament

All four Oak-Tree Schools got together this week to take part in a Junior Oak-Tree Athletics Tournament. As usual, the event took place in the spacious Peter May Centre, which meant there was plenty of room for activities. On one side of the hall were the ‘track’ events, which the…

Oak-Tree Football And Netball Tournament

On Monday 10 October, girls from Oaklands, Normanhurst, Braeside and Coopersale Hall took part in the U11’s Oak-Tree Netball Tournament, whilst the U11 boys took part in the Oak-Tree Football Tournament. There were some very close matches and lots of fantastic play on show and all of the pupils should…

Oak-Tree Tennis Tournament 2022

On Friday 27 May, all 4 of the Oak-Tree Schools got together for a Junior Tennis Tournament. The tournament was held at the Chingford School of Tennis, and the weather was perfect. Pupils enjoyed taking each other on in short double and singles matches. Not only did the children have…

Oak-Tree Girls Football Tournament

The U9 and U11 football teams from all 4 schools had a fantastic morning at Shooters, North Weald for the first Oak-Tree girls football tournament. They were lucky to have some amazing spring sunshine and a great turn out from supportive parents, who did an excellent job cheering everyone on…

Oak-Tree Indoor Athletics Tournament 2022

Year 3 and 4 pupils from all four schools in the group got together at the Peter May Centre on Friday 21 January to take part in the long awaited Oak-Tree Athletics Tournament. All schools had a go at each of the activities, which included javelin, speed bounce, throwing, long…

Oak-Tree Football

This years Oak-Tree football tournament was a great success with all 4 of the schools playing fantastic matches and showing wonderful sportsmanship.  After a year of no school mixing it was great to see all of the pupils back together for some friendly sports and competition. All of the pupils…